

Tanie’s tears

The voice was not only pleading and a tad forceful, it was also insistent, coaxing. “Can you hear me? Did you hear what I have just said to you?

‘How to revamp writing, publishing in North’

Ibrahim Abdullahi Muhammad, alias Ibzar, is the Managing Director of Ibzar Publishing Company with head office in Jos and branches in Kaduna and Kano.

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Usman Shehu Bawa Garba My Watch by Olusegun Obasanjo

Usman Shehu Bawa Garba, who confesses that he “doesn’t read books a lot, but mostly the dailies,” has enjoyed former president Oluse

Strange but fresh fruit: A review

Writers:        Mark Waid, J.G Jones Publisher:    Boom! Reviewer:     Abdulkare

Five books to start to wind up the year

1)     For world travellers like me, it is important to read travel magazines and books in order to understand what is trending in