

Owner of Kano’s biggest bookstore was inspired by dad’s huge library

Bookshelf: What inspired you to run a bookshop? Abdulmajid Yakubu Daudu: A lot. The quest for knowledge and the kind of upbringing I had. I grew up wi

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Writer, Bode Asiyanbi Land of Green Plums by Herta Muller

Set in Romania at the height of Ceauescu’s reign of terror, ‘The Land of Green Plums,’ Bode Asiyanbi’s latest read, tells the

The world is meeting us on our own stage – Jumoke Verissimo

Jumoke Verissimo is a writer and poet. She is the author of the poetry collection, ‘I am memory’ and recently released her second work, &l

‘Fake writers fade too soon’

Bookshelf: Your book, ‘Funeral of the Minstrel,’ was released on the first of October. How does it feel? Nnorom Azuoye: ‘Funeral of

Some notes on your manuscript

Congratulations on finishing the first draft of your manuscript! I know how worried you were – the effort alone should make you so proud. As you