

Enugu to hold literary festival

The 2019 Crater Literary Festival, in partnership with Africa Week UK, is set to hold in Enugu. Themed ‘Literary Renaissance in Africa,’ the festival,

Five recommended books for caregivers

In todays complicated world we are all dealing with multiple facets of challenges. If it is not a dearth of funds to fund children’s education, it is

Why I wrote anti-graft books for children – Onyinye Ough

Onyinye Ough is author of two children’s literature, ‘Emeka’s Money’ and ‘Halima’s Vote’. She is also the Executive Director of Step Up for Social Dev

Twelve-year-old becomes author

Miss Lois Chatta, 12, has written a novelette titled ‘Homeless at Home’ aimed at correcting society’s mindset concerning the girl-child. Launched this

Nigerian author nominated for First Book Award

Nigeria’s Jumoke Verissimo has been nominated for the First Book Award for her debut novel, ‘A Small Silence’. ‘A Small Silence’ tells the story of Pr