

Praxis Magazine calls for poems

Praxis Magazine Online is seeking poetry that redefines language and form, shocks, and makes readers both revere and question the ordinariness or magi

Experts urge parents to promote Yoruba culture, history among young ones

African culture and history aficionados have called on parents to promote Yoruba culture and history at homes to enable younger generations imbibe the

Tunde Leye ‘resurrects’ Afonja in historical fiction

Title: Afonja: The Rise Author: Tunde Leye Publisher: TLS Place/Masobe Pages: 354 Reviewer: Nathaniel Bivan Warning: I will be doing something I rarel

African Writers Conference 2019 to take place in Kenya

African Writers Conference (AWC) is set to take place in Kenya this year with the theme, ‘Cultural Stereotypes in African Literature: Rewriting the Na

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… Muhammad: As if You Can See Him

Khalid Imam (Author) Muhammad: As if You Can See Him by A’id al-Qarni   Khalid Imam’s last good read is A’id al-Qarni’s ‘Muhammad: As if You Can