

African Writers Conference to debut in Abuja

African Writers Conference, an event conceptualised by the African Writers Development Trust, is set to debut in Abuja. Themed ‘Re-imagining African L

Victor wins debut BBC Pidgin essay contest

Izeowayi Izaza Victor, 21, has won the first edition of the BBC News Pidgin essay competition titled, ‘Is Africa’s youth ready for political leadershi

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ… Diaries of a Dead African

Musa Tukurah (Photographer) Diaries of a Dead African by Chuma Nwokolo   Photographer Musa Tukurah’s last good read is Chuma Nwokolo’s ‘Diaries o

Ake Festival and ANA Convention to ‘clash’ in Lagos

This year, two major literary and arts events, the Ake Book and Arts Festival and the 37th International Convention of the Association of Nigerian Aut

Poet of the Week: I am Literature

I am literature I am the eye of heaven Shining brightly upon your language Drying its dryness Making it eye-catching I am literature I am a mirror Tha