Career Clinic

Career Clinic

Post pandemic challenges: Unlock your potentials during the lockdown (II)

Last week we reviewed in details the possible scenarios of life after a natural disaster such as the Corona Virus Pandemic we are facing now.  We disc

Post pandemic challenges: Unlock your potentials during the lockdown (I)

We live in a world full of intrigues, highs and lows, uncertainties, natural disasters, plagues, and many more mishaps and disasters. It is also often

The annual workers day celebration

Last week was May 1st and the drums were out to celebrate workers in most parts of the world.  The column deserves to be identified with workers but c

Lockdown period and workers’ compensation

April has come to an end and it is the beginning of May, when Workers Day is celebrated worldwide. This week, we faced a dilemma of the most ideal top

Corporate/Organizational Politics II

We have espoused the meaning and context of politics in organisation in our previous article on this subject.  We provided factors that bring about cl