Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge

Re: Time to tell President Tinubu, enough is enough

For an especially sensitive topic of this nature, I expected some reactions. But I was not prepared for the comments and phone calls which came in tor

Time to tell President Tinubu; enough is enough

Nigerians being led to believe by President Tinubu’s spin doctors that things will get better under the present administration should wake up and smel

Statesmanship not brinkmanship needed in the Middle East

At the weekend, news filtered through that the Islamic Republic of Iran had launched hundreds of missiles and drones in the direction of Israel appare

President Tinubu’s economic policies insensitive, lack compassion

The raison d’etre of any government is to make the people it governs happy through programmes and policies that are inclusive and compassionate. Of co

The road to 2027: Can the North stop President Tinubu? (II)

All around the country, there are misgivings about the Tinubu administration especially regarding the effects of its economic policies. Nowhere are th