

Cooling bodies of brain-dead donors may boost kidney function after Transplant

Transplant surgeons may have found a simple way to improve the functioning of kidneys from brain-dead donors: Cool the donor’s body by just a fe

Certain antibiotics linked to hearing loss, mouse study finds

A certain class of antibiotics used to treat deadly bacterial infections puts patients at high risk for hearing loss, research in mice suggests. Newbo

In rare cases, infection may be at root of back pain

People with back pain that doesn’t improve with treatment could have a rare type of spine infection, new guidelines suggest. The infection ̵

Moscow becoming Europe’s largest Muslim city

Though turning more hostile to Muslims, Moscow has witnessed major `Eid Al-Fitr prayer in which more than 60,000 gathered for prayers at the golden-do

Nurul-Huddah Islamiyya School assists orphans, widows — Proprietress

Can you briefly tell us about yourself? My name is Halima Sa’eed. I am the proprietress of Nurul-Huddah Islamiyya School and also the Amira of Q