

Entrepreneurship development: Coaching your staff (II)

Last week we introduced what coaching in a business organisation is as well as its purpose and benefits. Today, we will begin to take up the elements

Entrepreneurship development: Coaching your staff

The most valuable resource for most organisations is the people therein and those that support the organisation from outside in various ways. Yet, in

Entrepreneurship Success: End of year activities (I)

Planning and performance monitoring are crucial to the success of every business. These are activities that are both ongoing and periodic. There are s

Entrepreneurship Success: Building organisational culture (II)

We have previously introduced what organisational culture is, its elements, benefits and dimensions. We will now conclude the series by discussing a f

Entrepreneurship Development: Setting your standards (III)

So far in this series, we have introduced what setting personal standards is, how our personal standards are antecedent to our long-run successes, the