

Nollywood actress, Lilian Bach, releases lovely pictures to celebrate birthday

Veteran Nigerian actress, Lilian Bach has released some lovely pictures to mark her birthday as she clocks 52 today. The iconic actress took to her In

Entrepreneurship Development: Setting your standards (II)

Last week in this series, we introduced what setting personal standards is, how our personal standards are antecedent to our long run successes and th

Entrepreneurship Development: Setting your standards (I)

In the past, we have discussed issues like self-management, relationship management, getting things done, etc. Putting all of those together should, o

Entrepreneurship success: Business performance review (III)

Over the last two weeks, we have introduced what business performance review is, its importance, components, as well as what you review at a business

Entrepreneurship success: Business performance review (II)

Last week in this series, we introduced what a business performance review is, its benefits and its components. Today, we will continue with business