

Entrepreneurship Success: Business performance review (I)

The only way to know if you are making progress in your business and/or if there are problems is by conducting regular business performance reviews, w

Entrepreneurship Success: Risk Management (I)

Many entrepreneurs tend to think that business ‘is about taking risk’. This is not a wise philosophy and may spell nothing but danger and pains. Today

Entrepreneurship Success: Customer Service (II)

Last week we introduced what customer service is and its benefits. Today, we will conclude on how to go about developing a culture of great customer s

Entrepreneurship Success: Customer Service (I)

A business organisation’s sales and marketing functions are essential in generating operating revenues for the business. A significant component of th

Entrepreneurship success: Start selling! Keep selling!

“Nothing happens until a sale is made.” – Thomas Watson All business functions are interlinked and interdependent. However, selling is the primary fun