

National Parks seeks inter-governmental synergy to conserve nation’s heritage

Management of the National Parks Service (NPS) has reiterated the need for inter-governmental synergy for further conservation of the nation’s n

‘Govt can’t fight climate change without understanding geography’

The Association of Nigerian Geographers (ANG) has said the government’s fight against climate change will not succeed unless geography is restor

‘Desertification if not tackled will spread all over the country’

The Director General, National Agency for the Great Green Wall (NAGGW), Goni Ahmed, has said that desertification and land degradation are a very worr

Environmental Society harps on green economy

The Nigerian Environmental Society (NES) has identified green economic strategies as imperative for an all-round development of human and natural reso

FG hands over erosion control projects to communities

The Permanent Secretary, Ecological Fund Office, Mrs HabibaLawal, has urged communities to put into proper use, the Federal Government’s infrast