

Water users implored to pay to sustain water supply

He said portable water is expensive and has cost because it requires a lot to produce and so it is not free.Speaking at a two-day training workshop of

Water scarcity: Vendors in Bauchi make brisk business

A Correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) monitoring the situation, reports that most of the public taps in the town, had gone dry in the la

Dirty water kills 320,000 children in Africa

“Over 320,000 children, under the age of five, died of easily preventable and treatable diarrhoeal diseases in Africa in 2012,” said a survey released

Towards a biosafety regime in Nigeria

The bill seeking to create a Biosafety management agency for the country, was passed by the sixth national assembly but failed to get presidential ass

Coalition to govt: Step up action against gas flaring, oil spill

During its one-day advocacy campaign in Abuja, participants lamented non-implementation of reports and called on government agencies to be more respon