Everything Woman

Everything Woman

From being property to owning one: A Maasai woman’s struggle for land

In Maasai custom, girls are largely considered their father’s property – until they become their husband’s property. Ipato “Peris” Kateki knows only o

Hurdles, issues ahead of Nigeria’s female representation in 2023

A survey by the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) revealed that Nigerians are not only willing to vote women into leadership positions but al

Women rights are human rights – Dorothy Njemanze

Dorothy Njemanze is an activist, producer, inspirational speaker and president of the Dorothy Njemanze Foundation. In this interview with Daily Trust

Understanding the risks of birth control methods

In both the northern and southern regions, there has been advocacy to enlighten women of reproductive age – both married and unmarried, on famil

The Somali female general fighting al-Shabab and patriarchy

Somalia’s highest-ever ranking female police officer is charting a new path for its male-dominated security forces.