
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Another reason to live

by Huzaifa jega It turns out we have a reason to live. And to prosper as well. This reason is called the cyclical engine of history.   The rudiments o

Look upon the lion and rejoice

At the end of last week, two law students of the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, were kidnapped (this news isn’t – to my knowledge-getting much t

I, Muslim (V)

Huzaifa jega It is upsetting that I feel compelled to “explain myself”, lest I am profiled as an apologist of terror or sympathizer of terrorists. I t

Such is life

Being who we are today, it may be difficult to believe anything good can come out of anything we do. This is one of our biggest struggles today. If yo

Our economy is in emergency room, are there doctors on call?

If you have ever helped to take a critically ill person to the hospital or witnessed such a scene, then you can draw a parallel between your experienc