
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

The devil and our rulers

For a long time, I was of the view that Nigerians, especially their rulers, were responsible for Nigeria’s woes.  Last Sunday, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan i

Another Cholera outbreak: Why we should bury our head in shame

It is now 2021 and we are again faced with the same dilemma

Ahmed Joda: The Inspiring Life of a Stateman

I made this point at the Barewa Old Students Association Conference in Katsina in 2017.

Jos happened, again

Something happened in Jos last week. Again. A people provoked by some grave injustice poured onto the street and in the mid-morning sun hacked to deat

A few more thoughts on ‘repentant’ Boko Haram members

Space did not allow me to finish the thoughts I started last week on how to handle the Boko Haram associates who defected recently. Since I last wrote