
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

G7 Summit: Why Africa is always on the menu instead of on the table

As I followed the proceedings of the 47th G7 summit that held here in England two weekends ago, I kept asking myself: where the hell is Africa? Where

Before we opt for grazing reserves

As a businessman and one with a passion for economics, I have always believed that price could be a signal of the best economic policy choices. In my

Lift the suspension, please

During his much-discussed interview with Arise TV journalists nearly two weeks ago, President Buhari stated that he would accept whatever verdict that

Restructuring as abracadabra

we cannot restructure with the same mentality by which we fell on our faces,

To Tweet Or Not To Tweet: The Fallacy That Is Freedom Of Speech

Picture this: Someone approaches you for and asks for money. You decide not to give him for personal reasons; either you do not have the funds or you