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Nigeria’s Twitter Rebuke

The problem for him was context: Mohammed was focused exclusively, and wrongly, on people saying negative things about their country.  Foreigners do n

Ramadan: The month of Feasting or Fasting?

“No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, t

Respect our elite consensus: Give us (True) federalism

The First Republic failed because there was a feeling that true federalism had been seriously undermined by the creation of the Mid West, the impositi

A case of chronic political infidelity

It is customary at least, and it is expected, that as election season approaches, politicians will find themselves suddenly stricken by a strange diso

To thwart state-initiated anarchy, Nigeria needs a legal framework for vigilantism

Other South East governors flanked their Ebonyi State colleague, Governor David Umahi, as he announced the establishment of a regional security outfit