
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Nigerian, reinvent thyself

or your consideration ahead of the new year, I examine five prevailing myths


We woke up Thursday with this grim announcement from Brother Nuruddeen Lemu: “Inna lillahi wa inna layhi raji’un. It is with sadness and reverence to

It’s our turn to rule

As everybody knows, it is the turn of the Igbo to rule. No, others will say, the Yoruba have done so much for this regime so that qualifies them to ta

A December to remember

Harmattan is my favourite time of the year. With its cool daytime breeze and freezing nights, wrapped up in my blanket enjoying a good book, it’s the

The Kankara stopover

“Do not try to fight a lion if you are not one yourself”. African proverb The widespread relief at the release of 334 schoolchildren abducted by crimi