
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Eleven memorable interviews

To mark my 30th year in the practice of journalism, I bring to you today snippets of some of the most memorable interviews that I did or was involved

As the Nigeria government combats CNN

I do not know if the government of Muhammadu Buhari has noticed the crying question awaiting its attention: Who are Ogueri Ugochukwu Pascal and Olaseh


For the past two weeks, this Column has been speaking FOR the Police; this week it will be speaking ‘AGAINST’ them for their crass failure in protecti

YIMA SEN and radical politics in Nigeria

Today, I offer a short tribute to our great comrade, friend and compatriot Yima Sen, who was buried last weekend. Yima was an elegant person, soft-spo

The gift of sight: Big fights, small wins (I)

Two years later, I still visit his shop whenever I go to the market for groceries. And he never let me go without a complimentary carton of soap.