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In my half-a-century-plus sojourn on this earth, I have never seen a year like 2020 – may a similar one never be repeated and may Allah protect us aga

Bishop Matthew Kukah: Can a partisan tell truth to power?

This week, the major controversy in the country has been Bishop Kukah’s Christmas message for 2020, which has divided the country right down the middl

Bishop Kukah: A reluctant comment

“Every door has its own key”. African proverb I wish I did not have to write on the Christmas sermon of Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Mathew Hassan  Kukah

Bye 2020, the year of the Corona

I know it’s been a hard year, but not everyone wished that 2020 were deleted from his or her calendar of life. It’s been a mixed bag of blessings, sor

May 2021 not be so rough

In one of our secondary school English textbooks in the 1970s, we read about a New Year message that the old schoolmaster Tai Solarin wrote on January