
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Is police brutality the next public health hazard?

Years ago, on my way to pick up the children from school, I was stopped at a police check point. It was at the height of Boko Haram crisis in Kano and

The protests: A cost-benefit analysis

“Never beat a snake when you have not seen its head”. African proverb In the next few days, the nation will know the fate of the protests that have be

Whither your wrath of Northern Nigeria?

According to history, or some version of it, independence came too early for northern Nigeria. While yan kudu, or southern leaders were trying to hurr

Cloak and dagger men’s brawl

This country’s streets are gripped by protests demanding an end to police brutality, among other steadily escalating demands, so it was easy for all e

#ENDSARS: The ‘Nigeria Youth’ Reset

Every Nigerian has a terrible police story.  The disbanded rogue Special Armed Robbery Squad (SARS) was only one of its elements, and it is fitting th