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Welcome to Ramadan. May the blessings of this month bring healing, and may our fasting be the antidote to this dreaded enemy called COVID-19. Amin. Ju

Abba Kyari: The life and times of a gatekeeper

Abba Kyari died last week Friday, 17th April from COVID-19 and his passage was followed with so much expression of hate and venom, clearly indicating

Does it really matter who succeeds Abba Kyari?

Since the death of Abba Kyari, Buhari’s Chief of Staff, there have  been speculations on who will succeed the man famously regarded as Nigeria’s de fa

Ramadan and the god of Corona

On this page, two weeks ago, I likened the coronavirus, aka COVID-19,  to a jealous, vicious and unappeasable god that seeks to redefine the way we do

Conversation with the pandemic guru (II)

The days after my first conversation in early April with Professor Abdulsalami Nasidi were trying times all over the world. Despite the lockdowns in m