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“La ilaha illa anTa SubhanaKa Inni kuntu minaz zalimin” (There is none worthy of worship besides You; You are far exalted and above all weaknesses. Su

COVID-19: The strong, not strong without good governance

According to a recent report from the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University, the American Government has spent $6.4

Post Covid-19: The time to act is now

Without sounding apocalyptic, the picture of post covid-19 Nigeria is grim. As the global economic impact of the pandemic takes its toll on all facets

China takes on the world

The only thing that can effectively compete with the  Corona or Covid-19 virus in terms of speed and exponential spread round the world is the accompa

Debunking fallacies on pastoralism

The debates on pastoralism is replete with myths and fallacies that had gained grounds so much that I fear we are in danger of losing sight of the tru