
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Sordid state of our health facilities

Though it has been public knowledge all the time, yet whenever one encounters our health care system, its parlous state never ceases to surprise. It i

Pandemic: Solidarity and cooperation, most potent weapon

A goodwill Ambassador of Nigeria to China indeed, Mr Echar Christopher Sunday. I am touched and moved by his story as China Daily reported on May 6. E

How Sani Abacha Can Combat COVID-19

The Muhammadu Buhari government is demonstrating an admixture of bravado and nervousness.   I offer three pieces of evidence from last week. One: Abub


Whom do we believe? Would you believe World Health Organisation (WHO) who tells us there’s no vaccine or cure for COVID-19, and calls every unorthodox

Kano against Covid-19

Northern Nigerian states such as Jigawa, Sokoto, Borno and Yobe have joined the list of states with rapidly growing cases of COVID-19. The rapid growt