
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

All assets already publicly declared

Some people think that the assets of General Muhammadu Buhari are a big secret. The law requires him to declare his assets before assuming office.  Kn


In the final episode of our coverage of the 77th Islamic Vacation Course (IVC) 2019 of the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN) in Kano, we toda

Review of “A Small Silence” by Jumoke Verissimo

I enjoyed reading Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel – “A Small Silence” and I am surprised with myself. I should not have enjoyed it, but I did. The auth

Is China really taking over Africa without firing a shot?

The current debate over the Buhari government’s request to borrow additional $30bn (a substantial portion of which is likely to come from China), has

No end yet to the killings

At the height of the bloody clash between the peripatetic  cattle herdsmen and farmers in 2018, I wrote in my column of June 27 of  that year and said