
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Governor Nasir El-Rufai’s candour

No matter how much you hate Governor Nasir El Rufai – and God knows there are many people out there who love to hate him with a passion – there are st

Paul Clough – Exit of a great teacher

I was foraging in the cyberspace, as is the habit nowadays, when I stumbled on the news of the death of Paul Clough who had taught my set of 1972/73 i

Mismanage, kill, then revive

Why is it that in Nigeria, we serially mismanage institutions and projects, allow them to fall into disuse and lie fallow, only for us to come back af

Hell, as built by angels

Once upon a time, I was contacted by former colleagues to help find a temporary hire.  As the position was available only for six months in the first


The Hudaibiyya Foundation, Kano branch of the Zaria-based National Ummah Movement held its Annual October 1 Lecture this Tuesday. This year’s theme wa