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Nine thesis on Nigerian religions

1) High Level of Religiosity Nigeria has one of the highest levels of religiosity in the contemporary world. This means that the religious arena is ch

Nigeria@59: Dancing on the Brink

In 2010 John Campbell, the United States’ Ambassador to Nigeria (from May 12 2004 to July 19, 2007)  published a book he entitled, ‘Nigeria: Dancing o

Descent into dark abyss

The cocktail of horror and bizarre stories being served daily by the media shows the significant descent of our country into the devil’s abyss. And th

More recollections on independence day

A nation’s Independence Day is an important milestone, a juncture where one could have a stopover to pause and muse on the joys and tribulations the n

Medical check-up at 59

Nigeria, which will be 59 years old as an independent nation tomorrow, turned up at the private clinic of a famous physician for a medical check-up. D