
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Gorilla is suing for libel

As a one-time lecturer in Zoology, I cannot fold my hands and watch human beings, who gave to themselves the biological name Homo sapiens [i.e. wise m

Curing hunger by casting out demons

Nigeria, the statistics say, is now the poverty capital of the world.  Ordinarily, that would be a shame.  But the people of Nigeria are far too busy

Elegy for Muhammad Mursi, president of Egypt

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un! We are from Allah, and to Him shall we return. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un! We are from Allah, and to Him

Let’s disband the State and create another one

The title of my column today draws the idea offered by a great writer. In his most famous poem, “The Solution”, Bertolt Brecht referring to how German

Wobbly Start for Governor Ihedioha

There must be something about political power that makes otherwise good men to act contrary to expectations once in power. And it can be very dispirit