
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

20 Years of Democracy

In celebration of Nigeria’s twenty continuous years of democratic practice, the Centre for Democracy and Development organised a symposium this week t

Deconstructing Buhari’s Democracy Day Speech

Buhari delivered what sounded more like an Inaugural Speech than a Democracy Day Speech, yesterday, June 12. The 3,114 word-speech was essentially his

The legend called M.K.O

Today marks the beginning of the celebration of Democracy Day on June 12. After about 25 years of ceaseless clamouring for the federal government to d

Obasanjo, Fulanisation and Islamisation

When I read the statement credited to former President, Olusegun Obasanjo, on the present national security muddle, I almost chocked from bewilderment

Stitching the world together

During my primary school days in the 1970s when the world was gripped by many crises and conflicts including the Cold War, Vietnam War, Middle East co