
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.


A gain, we intone “Inna lilLahi wa inna ilaiHi raji’un! (We are from Allah, and to Him shall we return) for late retired Major General Alkali and all

The Nigerian Left and the future of politics

Last weekend, a significant part of Marxists in the country met in Keffi to review the state of the Left since the Marx Centenary conference which too

Nigeria, MTN and pseudo-nationalism

The recent report that two global banks – HSBC and UBS – have closed shops in the country should be a source of concern to well meaning Ni

Have we lost the battle to evil?

These horrendous tales of the bizarre plucked from the realm of occultism, it would seem, have lost the potency and the capacity to shock. And the rea

Readers must be heard

At some intervals it is necessary to pause to hear the readers’ comments to pieces that have appeared on this page. In my view, readers’ comments must