
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Ulama, Media and Insurgent Narratives

JOURNALIST: “I am a journalist. I use my profession in protecting the weak and exposing corruption and impunity, for the Prophet of Islam Muhamm

Pastoralist/farmers crisis in Benue and the search for moderation

I spent the weekend in Benue State with a delegation of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), which had gone there on a fact-finding mission for the ass

Obasanjo, grandmaster of timing, changes calculations for 2019

I was already researching for an article on Obasanjo following his recent successful defence of his PhD thesis at the National Open University of Nige

Olusegun Obasanjo: The triumph of intellect

A doctorate degree in Christian Theology, another proof positive that when Olusegun Obasanjo, former military head of state, former democratically ele

The foul mouth in the White House

Now a year after inauguration as America’s President, Donald Trump had seemed, truly, to have lived up to his billings. He has been doing exactl