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Lately, there was a lot of furore over the innocuous decision of the Sokoto State Government to procure a residence in Abuja for His Eminence the Sult

Nigeria’s post-cosmopolitanism and the culture of the worst

Nigeria is becoming more and more frightening. Last week’s massacre of eleven worshippers and the wounding of 18 others at St Philips Catholic C

Empowering the other half of Africa’s economy

Julius Nyerere, the founding president of Tanzania, once said that “unity” will not make Africa rich, but “it can make it difficult

Kenya’s election: What is at stake for the region?

Two political heavyweights are competing for power in a tightly fought presidential election in Kenya. President Uhuru Kenyatta, who came to power in

Take style, quit the quit notice

The ‘quit notice’ that Arewa Youth groups served in June for Igbos to leave the North and return to ‘Biafra’ was a dangerous g