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Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un! From Allah we come, and to Him we shall return! It has come to this: “…In light of all the abo

They say Nigeria has been promoted to a Lower Middle Income Country

This week, I facilitated a workshop of National Assembly members jointly organised by the House of Representatives Committees on Appropriation in conj

The mantra, ‘Nigerian unity is not negotiable’, is pseudo-nationalism

Nigerians love mantras – statements or slogans repeated frequently enough that they begin to sound like established facts or self-evident truths

Did you know that jihad is in the Bible?

 This may be shocking to some readers, but the Bible has been translated into Arabic. In fact, if you open your Bible right now and peruse throug

Destination North-East

I have been away from the North-East for some months but I now look forward to spend most of this week there. My first destination would be Damaturu,