
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.


 Welcome to Ramadan. We all have various experiences of Ramadan growing up. Sometimes, because our comfort zones are usually nice and comfortable

The University, progressives and the unintended consequences of the equality principle

I spent this week in Johannesburg attending a research workshop on the university and the public good in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and South Africa. These

Why a military coup is unlikely to happen

Many Nigerians have been expressing understandable outrage at suggestions that there might be military coup in the country.  It is obvious that d

Muslims and challenges of modernity

“Dikko I am in trouble”, my colleague in a postgraduate class at Bayero University Kano told me. The colleague who was from the South-East

Fani-Kayode’s naked dance

Under normal circumstances, I would never react to anything written by the former Minister of Aviation and so-called Media Coordinator for the doomed