
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

The Second Niger Bridge to the Future

The mythical Second Niger Bridge is to be constructed, the federal government indicated last week in a wobbly, cagey statement delivered in every colo


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un! From Allah we come, and to Him we shall return! Death, whosoever’s, is devastating, but the death of

Obazee and accounting for God’s money on earth

Jim Obazee, the recently sacked Executive Secretary of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria is a man with unlimited capacity to provoke agency.

As Obama readies to bow out…

Barrack Obama, the 44th President of the United States and the first African American to hold the top American job, delivered his farewell address to

How to make 2017 count

All that needed to be said about the disappointments and achievements of year of 2016 have been said. The government of President Muhammadu Buhari ack