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A Christian friend and colleague recently stated, as we discussed religion, that: “Almost all Christian children have memorised the Nativity Sto

The Saudis’ real ‘sin’ (lll)

Though the background information that dominated the previous parts of this piece might have amounted to an unnecessary digression, as some readers in

The Saudis’ real ‘sin’ (lll)

Though the background information that dominated the previous parts of this piece might have amounted to an unnecessary digression, as some readers in

Ministerial nominees: Forward to the past?

Not many Nigerians were excited by the list of ministerial nominees submitted by President Buhari, especially the first batch. Given the time it took

Erdogan and Turkey’s future

Turkey, as Daily Trust observed in its editorial of last Thursday, has lately been in the news for all the wrong reasons – well, almost all. And