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Every leader would love to have what I usually call “The Lula Exit.” When Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (who has been called “the most s

Sitting here in limbo

The nation is still in Thanksgiving mood-recognizing this as the time for thanking God for really big mercies and for the change only He, who is able

Between governance and politics

My intention in this piece is not to engage in an academic exercise about the relationship between governance and politics or to call out political sc

Attacks on Buhari’s war against corruption – a prelude

Unsurprisingly, the war against corruption to which President Muhammadu Buhari has committed himself as a top priority, is threatening to assume an et

Public-private balance (II): beyond the obsession with one approach

The neo-liberal myth that public institutions cannot work; that everything must be privatised; and that this is the trend worldwide, is unfortunately