
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Tamuno: the passing of a great historian

History, it is often said, is the prerogative of the conqueror. This obviously explains the arrogance of our British colonial masters in attributing t

Towards inclusive and sustainable change (II)

It is planned diligently, carefully executed and continuously monitored. Central to it is an active industrial policy, and not just passively setting

Governor-elect without a program

He asked me to advise him on his media relations. I said the most important thing was to take into account the media’s traditions when drawing u

Lee Kuan Yew – Lessons from a true transformational leader

He simply said, “Sorry, your friend Lee Kuan Yew has died; I have just read it in the newspapers.” I was relieved but sad. Lee Kuan Yew wa

Uche Chukwumerije: Exit of a Comrade

Any such re-examination, however, usually leads to the ageless philo-sophical questions about life and death. What is really life? Where did we come f