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Reflections on the 2015 elections

Thankfully the predicted Armageddon failed to happen, proving once again that perching on the precipice is the country’s comfort zone. &nbs

Death of a quiet mystic

A plain, mostly white, there-piece babanriga with no embroidery and a simple cap to match, was his trademark wear. With a medium size carrier leather

What if the PDP had won?

Don’t bet on Anthony Anenih, Edwin Clark and the even Ibrahim Dankwambo. The PDP would probably still warehouse the South East and South-South e

When digging a trap, make it shallow

The Nigerian politician has always lived in mortal fear of the “bandwagon effect.” This year his fears were fully realised. During the pre

Today is another day

In many states, sadly, there is not much of a choice. In the North, many candidates who may not apparently be the most qualified for the position of G