
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Wives’ revolt

Initially expectation was that the misguided uprising would be nipped in the bud as quickly as it reared its head. Sadly that was not to be, the insur


In actual Arabic writing, whether on paper or slate (allo), Alihi is rendered as ‘I’ – straight, unbending, upright, steadfast. This week in Gusau, ca

Gaza seize-fire (III)

Second is the ineffectualness of the Palestinian leadership; as, for instance, if George Habash were the PLO leader, the organisation would never have

Nano Silver: Ebola drug that wasn’t?

As fear of death forces more people to pay better attention to personal hygiene and shun bodily contacts with others, some tabloids are reporting of s

National Conference: In defence of NDF

The proofs of bad faith were many, among which were the timing of the conference so close to next year’s general elections and the wilful and blatant