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IBB at 73: The postscript

Ten years ago, on the occasion of former Military President Ibrahim Babangida’s 63rd birthday I wrote a lengthy piece titled “IBBs Regime: Another Vie

Goodbye, from the National Conference

Now the ball is back where it was tossed into the political arena from the beginning: the Presidency. It is up to the denizens of that precinct of pow

Patrick Sawyer’s ominous gift

Salutations no longer take the form of a firm handshake between men or the convivial embrace between females, as a way of saying good to see you my br


Even without formally asking him, Senior Brother Mohammed would most happily approve this Column to appropriate his title, as it is the kernel of what

Gaza seize-fire (II)

The US will not be bothered: it bases its concern and ground for involvement in the Middle East conflict on what it sees as its leadership of the worl