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Gaza seize-fire [I]

First, it portrayed a bloodthirsty warmonger as a peacemaker. Second, it allowed him to claim the forced withdrawal a victory, which in addition relie

Obama’s Africa summit: Why now?

Still, I do now concede that she may be raising an important question: just how significant is Obama’s Africa Summit in Washington – especially since,

A (brief) history and moral of constitution making in Nigeria since ‘66

The prospect that the conference will have a happy ending looks rather bleak. And the reason is the same old one that has marred virtually every const

Boko Haram: Beyond the military response (1)

and as its well-paid spokespersons continue to put forward conflicting and contradictory replies to criticisms, perhaps it is time we move forward. No

Learned, Noble, Comrade

Most readers were particularly irked that I omitted lawyers from my list. A Nigerian lawyer calls himself Barrister so-and-so, Esquire. He adds after