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As we enter the last ten days and nights of Ramadan, we should remember how significant the last third is, and why any opportunity to increase one’s q

Stripping the Strip

In 2006 when Israel made the mistake of going in for the Hizbullah kill, Robin Wright of the Washington Post was quoting top officials of the Bush adm

If Ilan Smith were a Nigerian…

In the just concluded World Cup in Brazil, we have the heavily bearded South African, Ilan Smith, as one of the prime beneficiaries of the tournament.

A season of “celebrity” birthdays

The reason this time is a response from Malam Ya’u Shehu Darazo, the spokesman of former head of state and now chieftain of the leading opposition par

Honourable, Distinguished, Excellency

Right through my primary and secondary school days in this country the titles we knew were Malam, Alhaji, Mister, Miss and Mrs. There were also the cl