
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

We may have to return to the drawing table

The North-South division seems alive and well, and not about to disappear anytime soon. To muddle up the waters further, whatever ultimately gets subm

Impeachment is a dangerous game

My own take on both papers was that Nyako did not adduce tangible proof to support the very serious allegation that he made against the Federal Govern

Winners and losers

“So we lost”. Mutum uttered in between a mouthful of chicken parts and rice.“It’s bad manners to talk while eating and remember this Ramadan period is


“O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may become al-Muttaqun (or attain Taqwa) (Qur’an

Iraq: Taming the Orient (II)

Iran,” she said. “By stirring up sectarianism, attacking Shia people, [and] attacking Christians, they are making it impossible for Iraq to exist as a