
Read our featured columns from popular Columnist and Internal Writers.

Mental Health Awareness Day 2022

One of the things I am grateful for, living and teaching in the US, is the seriousness with which mental health is taken. There is no stigma to a stud

ASUU: What next after this strike?

It’s rather unfortunate that I’m yielding this space today to a column first published on January 24, 2021—and verbatim—because the principal characte

Federal universities: Abolishing a very colonial carryover (I)

It occurred to me that the phrase ‘federal university’ is a misnomer for the new age and for the federalism of which we are still searching for the ‘t

Hope is the thing with feathers

The Emily Dickinson poem, ‘Hope is the Thing With Feathers’ has been on my mind all week, particularly with regards to Nigeria. And Nigeria’s Independ

Memoirs of a generation (I)

By Huzaifa jega The latter part of the 2000s was eventful, as far as I can remember it. The opening part was a blur. It couldn’t be any better really.