

Life of newspaper vendors under lockdown

From low sales to long-distance walks to make home deliveries, since the advent of coronavirus in Nigeria, newspaper vendors are finding creative ways

COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria is just one of Africa’s alarming hot spots

Dozens of doctors are infected and gravediggers are overwhelmed in Kano, Nigeria’s second-largest city, where inaction led to an unchecked outbreak. A

Bajumba: Taraba community where they only fetch water at night

At midnight in this Taraba community, the village well is opened for people with no other water source to fetch. Daily Trust reports on the reason for

Survivors of Nigeria’s ‘baby factories’ share their stories

Girls who fled Boko Haram attacks are being enslaved and raped by human traffickers who then sell their babies. As 16-year-old Miriam* stepped out of

Governors’ excesses in implementation of COVID-19 lockdown measures

Governors across the 36 states of the federation have adopted various measures in efforts to prevent and contain the spread of the coronavirus in thei