

Fallacy of politics and electoral campaigns in Nigeria (I)

Why are public statements issued by individuals and organisations? Are they just reflection of some desire to disseminate information based on some pe

Physically-challenged students cry out: ‘We don’t need sympathy, we just need a chance’

There are many physically challenged people who defy the odds and go to school. However, in most cases, the certificate they get after completing thei

Tales of neglect in Zungeru, Nigeria’s amalgamation town

Seventy-year-old Suleiman Adamu strolled into the tributary, which hitherto flowing content has rescinded into small ponds, bearing a 20-litre jerry-c

Hail new Oku Ibom, Ibibio canopy of unity

The best of Ibibio cultural heritage was exhibited during the installation of Ntenyin Solomon Etuk its paramount ruler.   The seat of the Oku Ibo

Sharan Daji: Troops step up campaign against bandits in Zamfara

Troops deployed for Operation Sharan Daji in Zamfara State are engaging armed bandits and cattle rustlers terrorising the state in multiple fronts. Ac