

When street name causes disharmony between Anambra, Ebonyi

Two states, Anambra and Ebonyi, took mere renaming of a street too far. The renaming of ‘Abakaliki Street’ to ‘Club Street’ in

Port Harcourt soot darkens skies, endangers lives

The  Oil city, also known as  garden city, has become a city of black  Soot, a place  of  poisons which hang in the atmospher

Task forces everywhere, yet insecurity on the rise

While Nigerians are losing count of task forces to protect their lives, attacks are refusing to go down   As Nigerians were struggling to grapple

Exploitation of Dangoma nickel yet to commence 2 years after discovery

Since the discovery of nickel, a solid mineral, in Dangoma, a community in Jema’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State, the people’s expe

Nigerian elite and memetic desire

The story is told of a religious leader who had an opportunity to serve in one of the previous administrations as chaplain to the chapel. He revelled