

‘I went to bed hopeful they would recover, but awoke to their carcasses’

Listening to a 63-year-old man force back sobs as he narrates his experience losing the chunk of his biggest life’s investment is not a situatio

Football shields girls in Brazil’s violent Favelas

Brazil’s favelas are a battleground between heavily armed drug gangs and the police. The death toll is high, and residents fear being caught in

As NTIC hosted the world scholars cup

The Nigerian Tulip International Colleges (NTIC) hosted the 2017 edition of the World Scholars Cup competition for junior and senior secondary student

The incredible styles worn by women from Angola’s ‘lost tribes’

 Photos were taken by London-based photographer Tariq Zaidi as he toured Angola in search of ‘lost tribes’   These remarkable ph

In Minna, 65-year-old Hussaina mends bones, fixes limbs

There is no signpost anywhere within Minna town, in Niger State indicating the location of the centre. But then the facility itself has no official na